~RaiNy DaY DrEaM AwAy~

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Our Building Improvement Team is made up of teachers, support staff, parents, community members, students, and me. We have a generosity drive each year, where our students and staff raise money to help make the holidays better for a few area families.

I received the coolest phone call ever from one of our families from last December. Seems they went shopping, bought about five bags of toys, and want us to distribute them to a needy family this year. As it turns out, they’re having a much better year this holiday season and they want to give back. That’s the best example of generosity I could possibly hope for—not a phone call asking if we can help them out again–but one that says “it’s our turn to help someone else”.
Posted by Mrs. Moritz -December 13, 2006 @ 4:47 pm

This family is one of the most generous families out there. Last year they were in need of gifts for Christmas. They must of truly been thankful for the gifts that they were given if they gave 5 bags of toys for other families that were in need. The gift of giving is the most wonderful gift you could ever give. Christmas is not just about getting presents and eating food. I mean yes, we all like to get a present and eat delicious food but giving gifts is one of the important parts of Christmas. We all should be thankful for everything we have.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Something Sad, Something Happy

Saying farewell to a president
Refugees celebrate a birthday
Many came out to pay their respects
They never had a birthday
Many cried saying goodbye
Now they have one, means something to them
A real decent person
January 1st is a joyous day for refugees
Happy Birthday

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

a new year

So i'm excited for this year because alot of things are happening. Like i'm finally graduating and I start college. Those are some pretty big events and it might even seem overwhelming too. But I think this year will be fun. This past year was filled with a bunch of good things and a few bad things as well. But overall I thought it was an alright year. I usually don't do resolutions because I can never keep them but I thought why not pick a resolution that will really mean something. So my new years resolution is to become a better person. Now i'm not saying that i'm a bad person or anything I just want my life to be the best that I can make it. Something I will do to achieve this goal is too not judge someone so quickly. I want to get to know that person, then make my judgements. Another thing I will do is to listen more that what people have to say. I find that I don't really listen as much as I should. I mean i'm listening but not thinking how the other person is feeling. I truly believe that i'll be able to keep my resolution this year. For this year, I hope that it will be filled with more happiness and way less drama. I'm really looking forward to what the new year will bring.

Monday, December 11, 2006

can see

This story is so sweet. Even though I do not know this woman I feel so happy for her that she can now see. As listing yourself as a organ donor, you may save someones life or give someone the gift of seeing or something. The person that was an organ donor probably didn't know that they would give this woman the most wonderful gift ever. She can now see what her children look like and she can see colors. But I also feel sad for her because she had had two children that died, one at 20 years of age and the other at 17 months. She never got see what they look like in person but at least she can look at old pictures and admire them like that.
Would I ever be an organ donor? Yes, I will be one so that when I die and if my organs are still good I could possibly give someone the gift of life. Its like that movie with Denzel Washington and his son needs a new heart. They find a heart from a woman that got killed in a car accident and she was listed as an organ donor but they won't give it to him so he takes the hospital under hostage. That woman saved a life and also the life of the dad because he probably would of taken his life just for his son.

Friday, December 08, 2006

what alex said

How my senior year is going. If you ask me it seems kind of strange, it's different than any other years I've faced. It's less stressful but more stressful at the same time."

posted by Alex J @ 9:09 AM

I could not agree more with Alex. My senior year feels like a bunch of different emotions to me. Like it's weird, stressful, not stressful, and exciting. I feel like a bunch of weight has been lifted off my shoulders. But at the same time I feel as if more weight is being put on my shoulders. It's good to know that high school is almost over for me like I never have to come back after June. It's exciting and scary because I know that now I am becoming an adult and i'm going to have alot more responsibilties. I feel like I won't be able to do it, that it's going to be hard for me to handle. But then I think oh it won't be that bad and it'll be fun being on my own more. Going to college is scary for me because I really think that i'm going to get too lazy and just stop going. But then I know that I want a good job and an education so that keeps me going. Plus i'm pretty sure i'm going to a community college so I only have two years, which doesn't seem so bad. Deciding which college to apply to was hard at first but I found one I really like and it's perfect for me because it's only two years and it's a really good school for nursing, which is what i'm going for. But im planning on continuing my degree at syracuse university so i have to work extra hard at raising my gpa if i want to get in. I just hope i can do it.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

interesting letter

So our next assignment was to read a letter from a marine who's over in Iraq. I feel so bad for this man and what he has to go through each and every day. I've read some war books before and I felt sorry for that person or persons but not as much as I do for this guy. I'm not sure why but maybe it's because this war is going on right now and now that i'm older I can feel for the person more. The way he writes makes me never want to ever go to war and it makes me wonder how anyone can bear it because I know I would absolutely hate it and probably would go crazy. I wonder how this guy will be able to function in society when or if he comes home. In Slaughter House Five by Kurt Vonnegut the main character Billy goes to war and witnesses a terrible bombing of Dresden after World War II. The book follows him through different times in his life and the things he do makes him seem crazy and that he has no emotion. In one the chapters, Billy's father throws him into a pool when he's just a child. Billy doesn't try to swim or do anything to keep himself from drowning. He just sinks to the bottom of the pool without putting up any kind of fight. The guy in the letter has emotions but I think that he might just become immune to all the horrible stuff that goes on in Iraq. Now I'm not saying that he's going to go crazy like Billy but it seems like he will have some problems copeing with war. But who wouldn't?

A book that creeps me out

In english class were reading this book called Slaughter House Five by Kurt Vonegut. It is the wierdest most awful book i've probably ever read. Most days I have no idea whats going on and I try to pay attention with the book. But when I finally figure out whats going on, it totally goes into another direction and I find myself lost again. Right now I sort of know whats happening but I know that'll change as soon as we read it again.
So the other day I was trying to figure out why everyone else and me don't like this book. And I think it has to do with the different kinds of literature out there, like the genres (i think thats what i wanna say). Like I like to read suspenseful kind of stuff. I'm sure someone who likes to read science fiction novels would enjoy the book. I'm just not one of those people that likes those type of books. I think that most of my classmates aren't one of those people either but maybe i'm wrong. Also I think it's Vonegut's style of writing. He jumps from one thing to the next and it messes people up alot if they're not used to that kind of writing. He also seems a little perverted or something and he's pretty graphic at times. He has pictures of boobs in his book and talks about a picture with a woman having sex with a pony. Thats kind of perverted and creepy to me. Well thats all I have to say about that book for now. I know once we finally finish the book that i'll have more to say. For the rest of the time were reading the book i'm going to try to understand it more. But at least when we finsh the book I can say that i've read a science fiction book. And if it wasn't for Mr. Goss I know I would have never picked up a science fiction book.

a poem with a good point

Alone by Maya Angelou
Lying, thinking
Last night
How to find my soul a home
Where water is not thirsty
And bread loaf is not stone
I came up with one thing
And I don't believe I'm wrong
That nobody,
But nobody
Can make it out here alone.
Alone, all alone
Nobody, but nobody
Can make it out here alone.
There are some millionaires
With money they can't use
Their wives run round like banshees
Their children sing the blues
They've got expensive doctors
To cure their hearts of stone.
But nobody
No, nobody
Can make it out here alone.
Alone, all alone
Nobody, but nobody
Can make it out here alone.
Now if you listen closely
I'll tell you what I know
Storm clouds are gathering
The wind is gonna blow
The race of man is suffering
And I can hear the moan,
'Cause nobody,
But nobody
Can make it out here alone.Alone, all alone
Nobody, but nobody
Can make it out here alone.
The poem Alone by Maya Angelou was the poem that I thought had a really good point.It's about being alone and how you can not make it in the world or through your life all by yourself. No one likes to be alone. Some people try to make it by themselves and do everything on their own with no help from anybody. They'll eventually realize that they just can't do it. It's always nice to know that there's someone out there that can help you with whatever you may need help in.

Monday, October 30, 2006

it makes me mad

So the other day, Mr. Goss told us that we can write about whatever we want for this blog entry thing. I'm going to talk about the certain girls in this school who like to hate my friends and me for no apparent reason. We haven't done anything to them to make them not like us. We don't ever talk to them and we haven't like done something bad to any of them. So I just don't understand why they're like the way they are. The funny thing is that I used to be friends with each and everyone of them up until last year. We would talk alot and stuff but all of a sudden they just stopped talking to me and started talking about me. Like all last year they would make stupid little comments to me and my friend, right in front of us like we couldn't hear them. But I know they wanted us to hear them. I used to always try to figure out why they weren't speaking to me anymore. A part of me thinks that it was because in 10th grade I started hanging out with a different group of people but I still would hang out with my other friends too. It wasn't like I wasn't totally ditching them. So I just couldn't figure it out. But I know if you asked them why they don't like me, they would probably say that I changed. And yeah i'll admit i have changed but thats just because i've gotten older. Well i have to stop talking about this because i'm starting to get all mad about it. But yeah i'm sorry mr. goss if this isn't interesting but i couldn't think of anything to write about lol