~RaiNy DaY DrEaM AwAy~

Monday, December 11, 2006

can see

This story is so sweet. Even though I do not know this woman I feel so happy for her that she can now see. As listing yourself as a organ donor, you may save someones life or give someone the gift of seeing or something. The person that was an organ donor probably didn't know that they would give this woman the most wonderful gift ever. She can now see what her children look like and she can see colors. But I also feel sad for her because she had had two children that died, one at 20 years of age and the other at 17 months. She never got see what they look like in person but at least she can look at old pictures and admire them like that.
Would I ever be an organ donor? Yes, I will be one so that when I die and if my organs are still good I could possibly give someone the gift of life. Its like that movie with Denzel Washington and his son needs a new heart. They find a heart from a woman that got killed in a car accident and she was listed as an organ donor but they won't give it to him so he takes the hospital under hostage. That woman saved a life and also the life of the dad because he probably would of taken his life just for his son.


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